

”I really enjoyed the lectures Fred :) Learning all about the tools and tricks has made this experience engaging and fun. You have great patience and admire your passion for the craft.

 - Michael

”I had an amazing time and it really re-ignited my passion for film. I really love what you are doing, the experience was so wholesome and homely it’s more than just a film production course but a life changing experience."

 - Ahmed

"Honestly, I'm feeling as though it didn't really happen simply because of how incredible of an experience it was for me... ‘Twas feeling inspired by Fred: the wonderful instructor I met. Since last night, I have found myself wondering if I may have made it up simply because of how amazing an experience it was for me."

- Madeline

Hi Fred! You were a great teacher this program and I love how much you care about what you do. I have learned so much and gained a lot more confidence in my abilities.

- Sabrina

Truly it helped me build the container for myself that working in film was 100% possible and attainable. Once I was able to believe that for myself it just happened!!! I was so stuck before this!! You all helped me pivot at the exact right time and I'm super super grateful for it.

- Sabrina

"I barely had anything to show on my resume, and no confidence to pursue the one thing I loved. Fred gave me the tools and the positive environment I needed to jumpstart my passion for art and discover skills I never knew I had."

 - Pedro

“Fred I just have to say for once in my life I’ve been able to fully concentrate in a class. I used to daydream all day long during my classes and even skip school to teach myself in the library, on a constant search to find myself and my path, I’ve entered many phases... and mindsets, different and various social groups -because I don’t fit in and fit in at the same time. I don’t know if it’s because I finally have a teacher with ADD (just like myself) so I can easily keep up with the - I like to say - “double Dutch” conversations, but it keeps things interesting in your lessons. Anyways I just want to say thank you for being an awesome teacher… I know this class is a pivotal point for me in my life , so thank you again!"

- Madeline

"It had a profound impact on my life, while reinforcing my sense of self worth. Now I can actually say I work full time. It is a very empowering feeling to say I love my job and my life."

 - Nathan

The program allowed me to learn some great media skills. Most of all this program has given me confidence in my abilities and my value as a potential employee.

- Taegan

“They have shown me how to open doors that I would never have had enough hope to search for. Learning and being creative in this environment feels effortless, and for that I am truly grateful."

- Mike

“Thank you again for such a wonderful experience with this program! I have learned and grown so much more than I thought I could over three weeks thanks to you!"

- Yves

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1 (604) 803-6787


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